Head Chair Introduction and Welcome!
Hello, delegates and welcome to the Haitian Revolution crisis committee of BMUN 70! My name is Mathilde McKeever and I am thrilled to be serving as the Head Chair for this committee. I’ve been imagining a Model UN crisis committee focused on the Haitian Revolution for some time now, and I am excited to see how it plays out during our conference! A little bit about myself. I am currently in my fourth year at UC Berkeley, studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In my free time, I love to read, swim, bake, and go on road trips around California. I also have a particular fondness for snowy days (though sadly we don’t get many of those in Berkeley) and hot fudge sundaes. Aside from BMUN, I am involved in various teaching organizations on campus and I am a TA for Berkeley’s introductory computer science course. I am also joined by my lovely vice-chairs, Aisha, Alana, Chloe, and Srisai in chairing this committee. They have also introduced themselves in ear...